Salvos raise $3500 for those doing it tough

Salvos raise $3500 for those doing it tough

Gwen Brundrett and Tammy Holland at the toy stall. Photograph - Aaron Van Rongen.

With a higher turnout than last year and Christmas carols filling the air, the annual Gosnells Salvation Army fete saw big crowds gathering last weekend to raise money for the notfor-profit organisation.

With $3500 raised some of the money will be used for church expenses and carrying out a welfare program for those in Gosnells.

Ken Clark was in charge of the food at the event. Photograph – Aaron Van Rongen.

The welfare program will close on December 18 and will reopen on January 22.

Some other expenses include delivering Christmas parcels, food and toys for disadvantaged people every Wednesday and Friday morning from 9am to 11.30am.

Coral Culling putting together decorations. Photograph – Aaron Van Rongen.

Other events coming up will be the Community Carol Evening on December 22 from 5pm with a free barbeque and carol service at 6pm.

People interested in helping to gift wrap at Maddington Central and Livingston Marketplace are encouraged to contact the Salvation Army on 0403 097 412.