Resident frustrated by dangerous hoons

Resident frustrated by dangerous hoons

Armadale resident Trevor Bourne is fed up with off-road bikes damaging the neighbourhood’s parks and reserves. Photograph – Aaron Van Rongen.

For the past 12 months residents in Armadale have been forced to endure off-road bikes racing up and down their streets at all hours of the day and night, destroying public parks, reserves and their front verges. 

Resident Trevor Bourne said the issue has plagued the neighbourhood for as long as he has lived there, as riders take it upon themselves to hurtle through the streets and footpaths with often no lights on and no helmets, endangering the lives of residents and their pets. 

“Apart from ripping up the city’s parks and gardens, they have ripped up my lawn,” he said.

“They have driven on footpaths, knocked over rubbish bins and cut across people’s lawns and gardens.” 

Mr Bourne said he has complained to Armadale Police, Police Minister Michelle Roberts, Member for Armadale Tony Buti, new City of Armadale mayor Ruth Butterfield and the city’s rangers, but his complaints have been to no avail. 

“If someone is hurt or killed be it driver or a member of the public, who is responsible and liable?” he said. 

“In my eyes it’s the police for not doing anything about it. 

“Where is the onus on their charter of community safety and public liability?” 

A City of Armadale spokesperson confirmed the city receives a number of complaints regarding the use of off-road vehicles in reserves and public roads throughout the city. 

“The City of Armadale rangers respond to reports of off-road vehicles being driven or used in parks or bushland, particularly where it is identified that life and or property are at risk,” they said. 

“Illegal operators of these vehicles could be infringed, prosecuted in court and have their vehicle impounded by the rangers or the WA Police. 

“If people witness this sort of anti-social behaviour, on public roads or private property, they are encouraged to contact the WA Police immediately.” 

WA Police were contacted for comment but did not respond before deadline.