Rangers, scouts thanked for silent vigil

Rangers, scouts thanked for silent vigil

Charlie Arthur performed the vigil for Armadale RSL last ANZAC day and is looking forward to doing it again this year. Pictured here with RSL President Ken Hepburn, and Armadale Scout Group’s Howard 'Mang' Tilbrook and Julie Williams.

The Armadale RSL Sub-Branch hosted a luncheon on Saturday to thank the Armadale Police Rangers and the 1st Armadale Scout Group for their decades of service holding vigil through the night before each ANZAC Dawn Service.

Up to 40 rangers and scouts take shifts silently holding ground in a guard of honour each year in Memorial Park, as a mark of respect to local servicemen and women.

Police Rangers, Kane and Blake Burgess with appreciation certificates.

Armadale RSL Sub-Branch President Ken Hepburn said this was the first time they had officially recognised the contribution of the rangers and the scouts over their past 40 years of service to the ANZAC day commemorations.

“We just wanted to say thank you on behalf of all the service people who live in the Armadale area, for paying their respects in a silent vigil,” he said.

Certificates of appreciation and cards were presented to each group.

Around 30 rangers attended the luncheon, but due to a scheduling conflict, only four members of the scout group were able to be there.

Thomas Nopera and little sister Charlie enjoyed the luncheon

Mr Hepburn has said the sub-branch will reconvene for a special presentation to the scouts in April.

Local member Tony Buti, City of Armadale mayor Ruth Butterfield, and councillors Gary Smith and Paul Hetherington were also in attendance.

Police Rangers Allyra Clark, Benjamin Gallagher and Parker Farrell clearly enjoyed themselves.

Despite Metronet works, and the imminent Jull Street Mall upgrade works, Mr Hepburn was adamant there will be an ANZAC service at Memorial Park on April 25 as usual.

Photographs – Richard Polden.

Police Rangers Lily Lewis-Bicknell and James Perez enjoyed the luncheon.