Radio calls for Remembrance Day

Radio calls for Remembrance Day

Hills Amateur Radio Group members Harry Edgar, Reg Bagshaw and Dan Sutton. Photograph – Richard Polden.

An amateur radio group took over the car park of a supermarket last weekend for a unique fundraising event. 

Members of the Hills Amateur Radio Group gathered at Kelmscott Spud Shed last Saturday complete with all their radio gear to increase awareness about amateur radio and to raise funds for some new equipment. 

Member Harry Edgar said the group purchased the sought after radio call signs “VI6PEACE” and “VI6LWF” (Lest We Forget) for the 100-year commemoration of WWI. 

“We made hundreds of contacts nationally and internationally on the radio,” he said. 

“I even continued into the evening until about 10.30pm to countries such as Germany and the United Kingdom.

“We had a lot of interest from the community with people asking about amateur radio and even had some interest from people who were interested in joining the group in the future.” 

Despite the time difference Dr Edgar said the group still managed to reach some ‘night owls’ in countries such as Japan, America, Canada and all over Australia. 

“People were surprised to learn that we were able to contact people worldwide so easily,” he said. 

Among the aerials and lessons in amateur radio Dr Edgar said the group ran a sausage sizzle to raise funds for a new trailer to assist with emergency call outs. 

“We raised about $350 for the trailer which will be used to help emergency services in times of disaster such as fires, floods, famine and war,” he said. 

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