Q & A with Member for Gosnells Chris Tallentire

Q & A with Member for Gosnells Chris Tallentire

Member for Gosnells Chris Tallentire.

What are the biggest issues facing your electorate?
Jobs are number one especially in Maddington, Thornlie and Gosnells. Maddington Town Centre regeneration and the Thornlie Train Line will secure jobs around here. People want to see more local, visible policing and I will continue to push for that.

How will you improve job growth in the region?
The building of Metronet including the Thornlie Line extension. It’s our plan to buy locally and that will include WA input into new rolling stock.

What is your plan to improve the economy?
The best way to turn the economy around is jobs. If people are working, they’re earning a wage, putting food on the table and getting the state back on track. That’s why we have a Plan For Jobs and a plan to fix TAFE to make sure our kids can work again.

What major infrastructure projects will you advocate for if elected?
Thornlie Line extension as the early part of Metronet including the new Nicholson Road Train Station. Getting the Maddington Town Centre project up and running by fast-tracking work on the water main under Albany Highway. I have pushed again recently for action on buying the derelict buildings in central Gosnells, I’ll keep on with that.

How do you plan to address the meth crisis?
WA Labor’s Methamphetamine Action Plan will reduce demand, reduce harm and reduce supply. WA Labor has already released complementary policies to tackle methamphetamine abuse across the state including additional rehabilitation centres, funding for early intervention and two dedicated drug and rehabilitation prisons to break the cycle of drug related crime.

What would be your first act if elected?
Meeting with the Labor Transport Minister to lock in that the Thornlie Line starts by 2019.

Personally speaking…
Favourite song: Beds are burning by Midnight Oil
Favourite book: Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck
Favourite movie: La Belle Histoire by Claude LeLouch

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