New program teaches kids how to manage money

New program teaches kids how to manage money

Empower2Free founder Cynthia Wong will compete in the Spacecubed’s Accelerator Program later this year

As the world faces economic uncertainty amid the health crisis, a young local entrepreneur has built a business which teaches young children about money management.

Founder of Empower2Free Cynthia Wong teaches children and young people critical money management skills through a series of workshops and activities.

“After the initial years of teaching the hard content of money management, I noticed that people were not doing what they know they should do,” she said.

“That got me curious and I realised that our mindsets and socio-emotional relationship with money influence the way we manage money.

“We now run workshops about money management and do so through activities and games that increase self awareness and engage them in the various financial topics like investments and insurance.

“If we can teach children to manage money positively from a young age, they get to form positive habits more quickly without having to break existing negative habits.”

Earlier this year Ms Wong took part in the six-week Plus Eight Sprint business mentoring program for start-up businesses, run in partnership between the City of Canning and Spacecubed.

She then won the opportunity to pitch to a business accelerator through the Accelerator Program which provides further business training and mentoring, as well as the opportunity to source funding and investment.

“Winning would mean that we have access to more resources and more opportunities to scale our outreach and empower more children to unlock their potential,” she said.

“We want to unlock the future today for our next generation and the accelerator program would enable us to make that possible more quickly.”

With the support of the City of Canning, Empower2Free is now able to deliver financial resilience workshops for year 11s and year 12s.

Interested youths can register at

For more information on the Canning Business Mentoring Program visit canning.