Mundijong Police Station takes shape

Mundijong Police Station takes shape

Acting senior sergeant Bron Umbras and first class constable Colleen Grey check the progress at the new Mundijong police station. Photograph — Matt Devlin.
Acting senior sergeant Bron Umbras and first class constable Colleen Grey check the progress at the new Mundijong police station. Photograph — Matt Devlin.

The construction of the new $8 million Mundijong police station is on track to open before the end of the year.

It will accommodate up to 30 officers plus another 14 with minor modifications.

The design also incorporates some WA police firsts including a drive-through Sally Port, a secure area where police park before placing offenders in the lock up charge room.

There will also be provision for breath and drug buses to operate from the station.

The facility will replace the existing station in Anstey Street, which was built in 1959.