Love of AFL began at five

Love of AFL began at five

Jamual Miller made the State team for the 12 years and Under AFL team. Photograph – Aaron Van Rongen.

Student and Serpentine local Jamual Miller had the opportunity travel to Bunbury last week to play with Western Australia’s AFL 12 Years and Under State Team.

As part of the School Sport WA program, the boys weren’t able to travel nationally for the School Sport Australia Championships but instead took part in the State Experience in Bunbury and Busselton.

Selected athletes participated in the State Team experience within WA borders as part of a COVID-safe approach to competition.

Jamual travelled to the southwest on a tour which went across five days from July 25 to 30.

Jamual said he was grateful for the opportunity to play with the State team.

“I’m really happy to have got in the state team, and I love playing footy,” he said.

“I loved the tour down south too.”

According to Jamual and mum Susan, they saw the School Sport WA program advertised online and applied.

“I had three phases of getting through, and each phase, less boys got through,” they said.

“This happened until they had a team of 23 boys and some spares, in case anyone got injured.”

Jamual lives in Serpentine and attends Court Grammar School and has been playing football since he was little.

“I love kicking goals and tackling,” he said.

“I started playing in pre-primary when I was five years old.”

The Department of Education contracts School Sport WA to manage safe and efficient competitive school sport programs on its behalf, giving children across Western Australia to participate in a range of quality sporting programs.