Jeffery for station, business and women

Jeffery for station, business and women

Liberal candidate for Armadale Wendy Jeffrey. Photograph – Aaron Van Rongen.

Liberal candidate for Armadale Wendy Jeffery said she recognises the need for a 24-hour police station in Armadale but wanted to make sure it was the most cost effective decision.

She said the new $86 million justice complex would improve policing in the region and should be 24 hours but when asked whether it should be done sooner she said she was supportive.

“Again that’s an operational decision but I’m fully supportive,” she said.

“I think as a regional hub I would think we do need to have a 24-hour police station for peace of mind as well.

“I’m out talking to people and I’m certainly feeding it back to the police minister and others in government.

“I’m certainly looking at the best option whether it is best to have police out.

“I’m about just dealing with what’s happening in the most effective and cost effective way.”

Ms Jeffery, a small business owner and prominent member of Armadale’s art community, said if elected in March she would push to diversify the economy.

“Small business is a real passion of mine,” she said.

“Really WA seems to be in this boom bust mining town mentality and even though it’s getting better I still see there’s a lot of work to do to bring forward the other sectors in the economy like technology, small business, getting everyone more innovative, tourism and the building sector.

“They’re still secondary to the mining sector.”

She said she would push to get more government departments established in Perth’s east and offering upskilling programs to small business.

“Twenty-four per cent of small businesses are still not online and that to me is a pretty scary statistic,” she said.

“I think there is a lot of education for small business, making sure they’re taking advantage of the global economy.

“A big focus of mine is about buy local campaigns as well.

“I think tourism is a big factor that we could certainly be pushing from out here.”

Ms Jeffery said as the mother of two girls from a corporate background another passion of hers was making it easier for women to return to work after having children.

“And getting them back to more meaningful jobs and how we can get them back to their professional level,” she said.

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