Happy little bookworms at Kenwick thanks to Men’s Shed

Happy little bookworms at Kenwick thanks to Men’s Shed

Young readers are thrilled with the new little library thanks to the Gosnells Community Men’s Shed.

Students from Kenwick School recently took delivery of a beautifully crafted little library.

The Room 10 class had spotted book houses in the neighbourhood when out on excursions.

They decided having their own would be a great addition to the school playground.

Led by literacy teacher Marianne van Dam, the boys sketched their designs and approached Gosnells Community Men’s Shed.

Member Bill Hughes at Gosnells Community Men’s Shed, said he was impressed with the level of creativity he saw in the drawings and used the boys’ ideas to finalise a plan.

The students made a second visit to GCMS to check progress on the project and decide on the colour.

It was during Book Week that the students assisted the school’s groundsman to install the little library in the playground.

Representatives from GCMS joined students and staff for morning tea at the school’s Smiling Sun Café to see their handiwork take pride of place in the centre of the grounds.

The little library has quickly become a favourite place for students to relax with a book during breaks.

Kenwick School is an Independent Public School which provides a safe, supportive learning environment for students aged 4 – 18 years with wide ranging special educational needs.

Gosnells Community Men’s Shed is a not-for-profit organisation located behind the Railway Markets and have a fully equipped metal and woodwork shop.

They serve the community through completing projects for local organisations including schools and sporting clubs.