Handy lads to the rescue for car project

Handy lads to the rescue for car project

The Shed members Ted Johnson and Ken McKay with the 1955 Morris Minor. Photograph – Aaron Van Rongen.

A 1955 Morris Minor which has definitely seen better days will be the first official project for the lads at a local men’s shed. 

The Shed’s owners Ken and Aileen McKay’s son-in-law Terry Zappelli bought the vehicle earlier this year but Mr Zappelli has since been diagnosed with cancer and has been unable to put in the hours to restore the car to its former glory. 

Shed president Keith Steicke said the committee decided to buy the car from Mr Zappelli and make it a project for those interested in metal work and car restoration. 

“The car although having surface rust is overall quite sound,” he said. 

“It has been stripped meaning all the seats, windows and upholstery have been removed for refurbishment.”

The privately owned shed in Harrisdale is yet to officially open its doors but Mr Steicke said it hasn’t stopped a long line of hardworking individuals from stepping in to help clean and get the shed ready for the many activities. 

“Already there is a bonding and friendship developed between the men, who a short time before were strangers to each other,” he said. 

“This has proved to be a project that is attracting new members to our shed.

“The vehicle will be sold off when the refurbishment is complete.”

For more information call Mr Steicke on 0402 405 177.