Group goes purple

Group goes purple

Jan Johnson, Kay McBroom, Karen Manning, Karen Hunter, Kerrie Stewart and Bev Erskine from Mundijong Arts and Crafts group with their Purple Road. Photograph – Richard Polden

An arts and crafts group in Mundijong is hoping to make a difference this June as they partake in a movement for World Elder Abuse Awareness Day.

The Mundijong Arts and Crafts group has been allocated a two-metre length of purple fabric to decorate in flowers, which are made by the group out of crocheted, knitted, or fabric materials.

The Older People’s Rights Service has coordinated the community awareness campaign called the Purple Road.

Suburbs across Perth are participating in the project, taking the purple fabric to Kings Park on June 14 to join all of the fabrics together and make a long road of purple.

Elder abuse is an important issue, which was recognised last year by the Australian Human Rights Commission who launched an elder abuse awareness campaign in October for the International Day of Older Persons.

People are often unaware of what elder abuse is and it can be difficult to define due to the many forms it can take.

Forms of elder abuse can include financial, physical and psychological abuse, and it is common for older people to not know it is happening to them.

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day is on June 15 and the Older People’s Rights Service is holding a get together for all those involved with their Purple Roads on June 14.

The Mundijong Arts and Crafts subgroup Busy Hands meets every Thursday morning from 9.30am to 12.30pm at the old train station in Mundijong.

During these sessions they are sewing flowers each week to contribute to their purple fabric road.

President of the Mundijong Arts and Crafts Jan Johnson said the project is important to the group.

“The Older People’s Rights Service were asking for community groups to participate in the Purple Road Project, to raise awareness about elder abuse in the community,” she said.

“Most of the members in our arts and crafts group are in their senior years so we thought it would be a good idea to participate.”

“We’ve been making flowers to put on a two metre purple fabric that was sent out to us from Mirrabooka.”

“On June 14 we’re going to lay out all the fabric at Kings Park, and hopefully it should be about 40 metres long with how many people are participating.”

To find out more about the Older Peoples Rights Service visit