Generations share the joy with some old time classics

Generations share the joy with some old time classics

Jothi Jothiraja, Ashton Seinor, Trish McCudden, Melody Nagle, Hollie Burbage, Marilyn Willington, Giuseppe Reina. Photograph — Richard Polden.

A unique choir performed ABBA’s ballad Thank You For The Music and The Monkees cheery tune I’m A Believer live on stage this week. 

Dubbed Generation Joy, the choir is made up of 13 students from John Wollaston Anglican Community School and 11 residents from Amana Living’s Thomas Scott Hostel. 

The choir performed in front of several hundred people during the morning tea break of this year’s Anglicare Australia National Conference which was held at the Pan Pacific in Perth on September 9. 

School principal Anne Ford said the partnership between the two generations has helped the students realise that everyone is the same regardless of age. 

“This experience is helping our students to gain confidence and self esteem while continuing to build on the positive relationships between the generations,” she said.

“The residents have all said how much they enjoy the students’ visits which is evidenced when their faces light up and they start clapping as the students walk into the room each week. 

“They’ve had a lot of fun and they always thank the students for coming at the end of each session.” 

The choir has been rehearsing once a week for the past two terms in preparation for their big performance on Tuesday.