Exploring flowers through music

Exploring flowers through music

The Giovanni Consort, WA’s professional Chamber Choir, will perform this weekend.

Giovanni Consort will perform at the 60th anniversary celebrations of the Wildflower Society of Western Australia Armadale Branch.

The Giovanni Consort is Western Australia’s professional Chamber Choir, which has been around for 26 years.

Giovanni Consort’s Kate McNamara said Chamber Choirs tend to have eight to 12 singers, and perform classic choral music from throughout history.

“We’ve been commissioned by the Wildflower Society of Western Australia Armadale Branch, to put on a performance to celebrate their 60th anniversary,” she said.

“As part of this performance we ran a competition for a composition to be written for the choir on the theme of West Australian wildflowers.

“We had quite a few good entries but in the end, we decided to award the winner to Arabella Wain, using poetry by Andrew Stewart.

“So, he wrote the words, she wrote the lyrics and so we will be performing that on the day.

“The rest of the concert is just an exploration of flowers through music.”

Giovanni Consort do their own performances throughout the year and also get commissioned by lots of councils and arts festivals to perform.

This weekends performance will see the Chamber Choir sing songs from classical music through to Billy Joel, with only eight singers taking part.

The performance will be held on Saturday, September 11 from 7.30pm to 9pm at Armadale District Hall.

“The audience can expect enchanting and stirring music from throughout history,” Ms McNamara said.

For more information visit the Perth Hills Armadale website.