El Classico of the south east metro region

El Classico of the south east metro region

A stretcher was taken out for Gosnells captain Dean Applegrin. Photograph – Juanita Shepherd

Gosnells City and Canning City played in the annual bi-club competition at the Walter Padbury Reserve in Thornlie on Saturday.

Both sides battled it out for the inaugural Frank Longstaff trophy with kick off just after 3pm.

More than 100 residents gathered together to support their respective teams and loud shouts of expletives and encouragement filled the air for 90 minutes.

The first half was exciting and nerve racking with Gosnells City’s first goal not being counted by the referee for reasons unknown.

At the twentieth minute, Canning’s Callum Roberts scored.

Determined to equalise, Gosnells attacked fiercely but it seemed as if Canning’s defences were impenetrable.

However, just before half time Gosnells City equalised with a spectacular goal and loud shouts from the coach, players and fans.

The second half saw both teams desperate to win, whatever the cost.

Gosnells goalie Jack Adams was yellow carded by the referee and Canning City was awarded a penalty kick.

Mr Adams redeemed himself by saving the goal and Gosnells City went on to win the game three goals to one, despite the captain having the medics take a stretcher out to him on the field due to injury.

Gosnells FC president Gary Nickisson said the club was privileged to introduce the new competition between the two clubs named in honour of Frank Longstaff who had worked with both Canning and Gosnells before he passed away a few years ago.

“The trophy will be determined by most goals over the two fixtures,” he said.

“The return leg at Canning will be on July 1.”

Gosnells coach Alan Dunlop was pleased with the win.

“We played really well,” he said.

“We’ve got a great atmosphere here at the club and hopefully we’ll continue to do well.”

Canning coach Paul McCue was disappointed with the result and Canning goalie Luke Stonebridge said the club had suffered a number of injuries, which had impacted their performance.