Driver raises highway safety issues

Driver raises highway safety issues

Arthur McHugh has driven along South Western Highway for more than 30 years and says it is time the road is upgraded as it is becoming hazardous. Photograph – Juanita Shepherd.

With more than 30 years as a bus driver driving along South Western Highway, Arthur McHugh knows the route well but he has claimed parts of the road have become a safety issue, especially for student bus stops in Byford.

The High Wycombe resident said the shoulder in the road just past Austral Bricks was in need of repair and truck bays on the north and south side of Byford needed upgrading.

Mr McHugh said something had to be done and contacted Member for Darling Range Barry Urban but said he was not pleased with the response.

“It seems to me as if everyone is sitting on their hands and not doing anything,” he said.

“The roads need to be maintained as it is a safety concern.”

Mr Urban said he had raised the issues with Main Roads and was waiting for more information in regards to repairs of the shoulder and bus stops near Four Seasons Nursery.

“Main Roads has advised that the truck bay on the northern side of Byford is the responsibility of the shire,” he said.

“They have also advised that the truck bay on the south side of Byford across from Byford by the Scarp will have works to repair the potholes commencing in September when the area dries out following this year’s heavy rain.”

Mr McHugh has alleged it has been more than three weeks since he last heard from Mr Urban.

However Mr Urban said his office has contacted Mr McHugh within the last three weeks to provide him with the information received back from Main Roads.

“The office will contact Mr McHugh again when we receive further information from Main Roads,” he said.

“I understand that road safety and the safety of children are of a high priority and we have been working with Mr McHugh to resolve this issue.”

The Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale has confirmed potholes and the truck bay conditions were the responsibility of Main Roads.

Main Roads public relations coordinator Stephanie Dahl said Main Roads had a road shoulder regrading and repair program for 2017-18.

“This includes extensive sections of South Western Highway between Armadale and Byford,” she said.

Ms Dahl said the program was set to start in spring after the winter rain had finished.