Calling all explorers

Calling all explorers


As part of Library Information Week 2021, residents in Serpentine Jarrahdale are invited to explore the Mundijong Public Library and its range of programs and services.

The week of May 17 to 23 will see the shire highlight the important role the library and information services play in the Serpentine Jarrahdale community.

This year’s theme for the information week is Adventures in Space and Time, which shines a light on how library services are viewed as places to explore.

Shire President Michelle Rich said the week is a great way to acknowledge to contribution of the Shire’s library service to the community.

“For many people, library and information services are places of adventure,” she said.

“A visit to the library can often take you on a journey, whether it’s in search of specific information, browsing through vast collections, or coming together with others to learn something new.

“I would encourage everyone to join in the festivities planned for Library and Information Week, whether you are an existing member of our library or looking to explore the Mundijong Public Library for the first time.”

The Mundijong Library has been decorated in colourful displays and a variety of activities have been organised and made available.

As part of Library Information Week, the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) will run the National Simultaneous Storytime on Wednesday May 19.
Every year a book by an Australian author is read at the same time in schools, day cares and libraries across the country.

The ALIA has partnered with the Australian Space Agency and the Office of the Chief Scientist to host the National Simultaneous Storytime from space.

The book, Give me some space! written and illustrated by Philip Bunting and published by Scholastic Australia, will be read by an astronaut from the International Space Station on May 19 at 1pm.

ALIA, along with the Australian Space Agency, and The Office of the Chief Scientist, with help from Science Time From Space, will also be running an experiment, which will bring an additional science and educational component for school age participants.

This year the ALIA is hoping to highlight the importance of STEM education and reading through the National Simultaneous Storytime event.

Mundijong Library will hold its own version of the National Simultaneous Storytime on the Wednesday.

The library in Mundijong has been part of a significant debate between the Serpentine Jarrahdale council and residents of the shire recently after the decision was made to move the library to Byford Hall in the near future.