Callan’s touch football talents know no bounds

Callan’s touch football talents know no bounds

Leeming Senior High School student Callan Barclay is proud of his Scottish heritage, loves touch rugby and will represent the state in the WA School Sport competition. Photograph — Richard Polden.

He is proud of his Scottish heritage but he loves the sun more, especially the thought of playing a summer sport like touch football.

Leeming Senior High School Year 7 student Callan Barclay is now looking forward to October and more sun because he is going to Canberra to represent Western Australia in the WA school sport for touch football.

“I’m really proud to represent the state and I’m really excited although I’m also quite nervous,” he said.

“I think we have a strong team so we might beat a lot of other teams but it will be a challenge.

I hope no-one gets jet lagged and I hope I play well and help the team win some games.”

Callan also knows there are some other strong players in the field so he wants to play more than well to justify his selection on this year’s touch football team.

On field Callan is fast and good at catching the ball but, according to him, he sometimes forgets certain moves but is hoping to improve them in a couple of months before he competes.

He is currently playing touch football for Southern Districts.

In the future Callan wants to continue playing touch football and try to make it to the under 15s state team in a couple of years and make his Scottish family proud.

“I really want to use it as a spring- board to play international rugby,” he said.

“It will help with my running lines and my handling so I re- ally hope it helps me play international rugby for Scotland one day.”