Q&A with Member for Jandakot Joe Francis

Q&A with Member for Jandakot Joe Francis


What are the biggest issues facing your electorate and how will you combat them?

There are few crimes committed that are not in some way linked to the impact of Meth. I fully support the Liberal Party policies of mandatory minimum prison sentences for drug dealers along with compulsory rehab for drug users. Labor is opposed to both of these, but difficult challenges needs tough measures. And families need to have options to help loved ones suffering addiction before they end up in jail.

The single biggest congestion fix we can achieve is to build Roe 8 & 9. It will increase productivity from our port, get trucks off residential roads and alleviate rat-runs through Jandakot.

How will you improve job growth in the region?

Building Roe 8 will also create thousands of jobs.

Deregulation of trading hours has done more to lower cost of living for families by providing competition than anything else. It also provided thousands of additional retail and supply jobs.

I support deregulation of shopping hours. Labor have fought against this for years.

What’s your plan to improve the economy?

Vital economic stimulus and job creation will come from the partial sale of Western Power. $8 billion will be used to pay down debt, while the remainder of the funds raised ($3 billion) will be invested in long-term job-creating projects targeting transport infrastructure, rebuilding schools and TAFEs and improving electricity reliability in country areas.   A re-elected Liberal Government will also raise the payroll tax threshold, create a $75 million employer incentive scheme to help generate 15,000 new apprenticeships and traineeships, and allow shops to open at 9am on Sunday.

What major infrastructure projects will you advocate for if elected?

Roe 8 & 9 to be completed.

North Lake Road and Armadale Road upgrades.

Cockburn to Thornleigh train line.

How do you plan to address the meth crisis?

A re-elected Liberal Government will invest $190 million is a suite of strategies to combat meth, including the toughest penalties in Australia for dealers, compulsory rehabilitation facilities and services, more rehab beds, more specialist drug and alcohol nurses in emergency departments and more drug treatment programs.

Labor believes meth dealers are ‘minor offenders’.

 What would be your first act if elected?

To start work on implementing election commitments.

 What’s your favourite song, book and movie?

Favourite song: Flame Trees by Cold Chisel

Favourite book: Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand

Favourite movie: Das Boot (and other submarine movies)

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