Q & A with member for Southern River Peter Abetz

Q & A with member for Southern River Peter Abetz

Member for Southern River Peter Abetz.

What are the biggest issues facing your electorate and how will you combat them?
The issues facing the Southern River electorate are varied but in all areas there is an underlying concern or anxiety about jobs and the problem of meth addiction. The key issues in the newer areas are associated with roads and public transport while in the older areas crime features more and the problem of unregistered motorbikes being ridden on footpaths and reserves.

How will you improve job growth in the region?
We are investing heavily in promoting tourism and agriculture, which will create full time permanent jobs. The construction of Roe 8 and 9 will generate thousands of jobs and the sale of 51 per cent of Western Power to Australian superannuation funds and mum and dad investors will free up at least $3 billion.

What is your plan to improve the economy?
Our economy is very dependent on the mining sector and so our economic welfare is tied to this to some extent. The ongoing diversification of the economy and the building of new infrastructure will help to improve the economy.

What major infrastructure projects will you advocate for if elected?
I have successfully advocated for many infrastructure projects in my electorate over the past eight years and I have announced with the treasurer the Safer Roads funding package for the City of Gosnells so that they can alleviate some congestion spots and extend Garden Street through to Southern River Road. My initial focus will be to ensure that the Canning Vale rail link is delivered on time and that all the other infrastructure commitments are delivered in a timely manner.

How do you plan to address the meth crisis?
Having run a drug rehab groups for a number of years, one for recovering addicts and another one for affected families, I know the havoc that drugs cause. I believe the move to allow families to commit members who are addicted to compulsory rehab is a very positive step forward. The tougher mandatory sentences for trafficking meth are also very helpful.

What would be your first act if elected?
To thank everyone for their ongoing support and for giving me the privilege to continue to serve as their local state MP.

Personally speaking….
Favourite song: The old hymn Amazing Grace.

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