PTP response watered down

PTP response watered down


The City of Canning has watered down its submission to the State Government’s Perth Transport Plan after councillors rejected its initial submission at their October 18 council meeting.

In their initial discussion councillors couldn’t agree on the final wording of their proposed submission to the plan, compiled by consultancy firm Jacobs.

This meant they were left without a submission before the consultation deadline on October 28.

The city was forced to hold a special council meeting on October 26 in order to agree on a submission so the city could raise its concerns with the important transport policy document, which will direct the future of transport planning.

Initially councillors raised issues with aspects of the submission, which would see the city support everything Jacobs wrote about including the contentious Roe 8 and Perth Freight Link project.

At their October 26 meeting the wording of the submission was lessened to just ‘note’ the Roe 8 and Perth Freight Link projects.

In their submission the councillors agreed to not support road use pricing.

The city also provided general observations that the Perth Transport Plan was too mono centric and did not recognise Cannington in its role as a strategic activity centre in Perth’s south east.

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