O’Sullivan unconvinced bridge is necessary

O’Sullivan unconvinced bridge is necessary


A Coalition commitment to the North Lake Road Bridge looks shaky with Liberal candidate for Burt Matt O’Sullivan saying it hasn’t been raised by residents with him as an issue as much as other projects.

Responding to questions about the Labor party’s recent $80 million commitment to build the bridge, Mr O’Sullivan said he wanted more evidence from Main Roads and residents regarding the urgency of the project.

“Would I like to see the bridge? Of course I would but let’s make sure we’re doing what is a priority,” he said.

“What I’m waiting on is actually confirmation as to where it is in the Main Roads analysis or order of priorities.

“I’m wanting to hear from residents as to whether they see the priority of putting an extra lane on the freeway or building a bridge.

“That’s what I’ve asked for, some evidence to actually understand what’s the data telling us and what local residents are telling us.

“We don’t want to just make a commitment because there’s a couple of billboards on the side of the road, it’s got to be thought through, it’s got to be methodical.

“That’s the kind of candidate I am, I want to make sure we’re delivering what the community actually wants.”

“Not many people actually raise it with me to be honest, what they’re raising with me is the widening of the road which is what we’re actually delivering.”

Mr O’Sullivan also criticised the Labor party’s commitment saying it was flimsy and it had not been discussed with the State Government at all before the announcement last week.

“The challenge here is that as I’ve examined their commitment and the truth of it is its flimsy at best, there’s no explanation as to what it’s actually going to achieve and where they’re going to source the funding from,” he said.

“Our commitment is solid and it’s real. We have through proper processes and analysis and commitment put into the budget the widening of Armadale Road and of course that’s both the Turnbull Government and the State Government.”

Both parties committed to the widening of Armadale Road during the Canning by-election last year.

The cities of Cockburn and Armadale both state the North Lake Road Bridge as vital to an improved east west connecting Armadale Road.