Spencer-Teo elected deputy mayor in council shakeup

Spencer-Teo elected deputy mayor in council shakeup

Former deputy mayor Ben Kunze with newly-elected deputy mayor Amanda Spencer-Teo

Councillor Amanda Spencer-Teo was elected deputy mayor of Canning Council on Tuesday night.

The position was contested by Cr Hardeep Singh but Cr Spencer-Teo won 7-3.

Cr Spencer-Teo said she had consistently advocated and argued for the best outcomes for the whole of Canning whether it be environmental, playground, infrastructure policy and most importantly the restoration of the city’s reputation and finances before many councillors were even elected.

She said nobody could ever accuse her of being a ward centric councillor as she had a strong track record of ensuring fair and equal representation across the entire city.

She said she had fought to ensure $1.3 million of funding was reinvested into community led projects in Beeloo and Nicholson wards when the officer recommendation was otherwise.

Cr Spencer-Teo said she had the time, the commitment, and the demonstrated ability to serve the community wholeheartedly.

“I am not beholden

to any employer Monday to Friday,” she said.

“I have an incredibly supportive husband and four amazing children who appreciate and understand how important serving my community is to me and the investment of time and effort I have put into improve their lives, the lives of their friends, families and for today and for well into the future.”

She said she attended almost every event irrespective of its cultural alliance, sporting code, location or length of time.

“When I represent the city, I give my all. I don’t just show up for the obligatory photo and look for the closest exit,” she said.

She said she was always the first one to put her hand up when needed.

Cr Singh said he had the time commitment to do the job and could take some of his nine months accumulated leave to do the job.

He said he would treat all wards equally regardless of their migrant diversity.

Cr Singh said was not associated to any political party and would make decisions independently.

He offered to share the position with other councillors by resigning in a year.

“This will give one of you the opportunity to serve the community as their deputy mayor next year,” he said.

In other appointments, Cr Spencer Teo, Cr Steve Parkingson and mayor Patrick Hall were elected to the city’s audit and risk committee.

Crs Hall, Spencer-Teo, Shen Sekhon and Ben Kunze were elected to the CEO performance and salary review committee.

Crs Kunza, Hall, Spencer-Teo and Sekhon were elected to the joint development assessment panels.

Crs Hall, Michelle Hurne, Ivonne Rodrigues, and Spencer Teo were elected to the WALGA South East Metropolitan Zone meetings.

Crs Mark Bain and Joanne Page were elected to the Canning River Regional Park advisory committee.

Crs Hurne and Steve Parkinson were elected to the Perth Airports Municipalities Group.

Cr Parkinson was elected to the Jandakot Airport Community Aviation Consultation Group

Cr Spencer-Teo was elected to the Metropolitan Regional Road Group.

Crs Paul Tucek and Bain were elected to the Canning Neighbourhood Watch Meeting.