A perfect, early remembrance service 

 A perfect, early remembrance service 

Serpentine Primary School’s head girl Ebonie Richardson and head boy Tyron Tilburn paid their respects at the Remembrance Day service at Araluen Botanic Park. Photograph - Aaron Van Rongen.

A garden blooming with white and red roses and beautiful water lilies was the perfect fit for an early Remembrance Day service last Friday. 

About 150 people attended the service at Araluen Botanic Park including student representatives from Armadale Primary, Armadale Senior High, Cecil Andrews College, Challis Community Primary, Dale Christian, East Maddington Primary, Grovelands Primary, John Wollaston Anglican Community School, Kelmscott Senior High, Roleystone Community College, Serpentine Primary and Southern River College who each laid a wreath in remembrance. 

The service featured a commemorative speech from Vietnam War veteran and former Serpentine Jarrahdale RSL sub branch president Ric Giblett as well as performances by the Roleystone Community College senior choir and the Town of Victoria Park Brass Band who played the Last Post, the Rouse and the national anthem. 

Roleystone Community College music specialist Jane Slater said the students performed two songs Lest We Forget and Winds of Change. 

“It has been a long standing tradition that the school participates in a performance at Araluen Remembrance Day Service each year,” she said. 

“It is an important service and community event and the college believes it gives our students the opportunity to reflect on war and conflict in the 21st century.” 

Photographs – Aaron Van Rongen.