Young touch footy player says it’s in her blood

Young touch footy player says it’s in her blood

Asha Bishop is representing Western Australia in the touch football WA School Sport competition. Photograph— Aaron Van Rongen.

Her brother and father became the inspiration behind 11-year old Asha Bishop’s passion for touch football and she will now represent Western Australia in the School Sport competition next weekend.

The East Cannington girl has been playing touch football since she was nine years old and said she is not planning on stopping.

“I feel very excited to be representing WA with my friends and that we are going to be working hard together for the state,” she said.

“I expect us to give 100 per cent in our games and trainings to be successful in the competition.

“The challenge for me would be adjusting to the time difference and the cold weather in Canberra.”

The Gibbs Street Primary school student will be competing in the under 12s touch football team from October 26 to November 2.