Innovation expert teaches WA cities about potential

Innovation expert teaches WA cities about potential

Jemma Green and Dr David S Ricketts with WALGA representative Joanne Burges seated.Photograph — Richard Polden.

Local government leaders from across the state gathered for an exclusive innovation master class in Canning driven by Harvard University scholar Dr David S. Ricketts on Monday.

The city brought Dr David S. Ricketts over to deliver an Australian first with the goal to increase innovation capability across government.

There were 16 local governments in total that registered and participated in the unique master class including CEOs, directors and managers along with a representative from WALGA.

The innovation class provided opportunities to further collaborate across local governments as well as access other global governments and build cities that are livable, sustainable and productive.

Dr Ricketts has taught innovation at Harvard University for the past decade in the Technology and Entrepreneurship Center and has over 20 years of corporate and academic experience working with some of the world’s leading innovators and innovative companies.

“There is so much innovation and potential in our cities,” he said.

“Bringing together senior leaders and practitioners to learn best practices and leading thinking in innovation is a great addition to any leading city strategy.

“Partnering with Canning and their amazing team has been an honour and I’ve enjoyed sharing my research in Western Australia.”

City of Canning mayor Paul Ng said that the city recognised the importance of innovation and the valuable impact it will have on the community.

“This master class assisted employees and elected members by developing their innovation capability so that they can build a city that will support the delivery of our strategic goals,” he said.