Shed donation the start of a new venture for local men

Shed donation the start of a new venture for local men

The new Harrisdale Men's Shed members Lazslo Vranyak, Gerd Rosenbium and Keith Steicke hard at work. Photograph — Aaron Van Rongen

A half empty shed combined with a group of enthusiastic men makes for the perfect solution for the formation of one of Harrisdale’s newest community groups. 

Equipped with the motto “Getting It Nailed” the small but passionate group of men were hoping that by selling off donated furniture at an upcoming garage sale they could make enough money to get their organisation off the ground. 

President Keith Steicke said he always had the aspiration to set up a men’s shed and thanks to the efforts of a Harrisdale couple his dream could soon become a reality. 

“Ken McKay owns five acres in Harrisdale and wants to contribute something towards the local community,” he said. 

“He has donated half of his shed to our group to use as a men’s shed and already has a lot of woodworking machinery, wash troughs and fridges that we can use. 

“It is just a matter of working where everything goes and how it should operate.” 

The group, which has been calling itself The Shed will be holding a garage sale at 67 Balannup Road on February 10 from 9am. 

The sale will include desks, tables, benches and cupboards of all sizes and all were welcome to attend. 

For more information about the group or if you are interested in joining call Mr Steicke on 0402 405 177.