Students bake for a cause

Students bake for a cause

Organiser Liesl De Vries, student Macayla Robinson, head of arts Dusty Ward, Southern River Community Garden representatives Margaret Spires, Dorothy Burke and Trevor Burke.

A class full of students at Southern River College headed to the kitchen to prepare the delicacies for this year’s Biggest Morning Tea event.

The year 11 and 12 Food Science and Technology students whisked up many baked treats for the event, which was well attended by college staff, students and their families and representatives from the Southern River Community Garden.

Organiser Liesl De Vries said the idea to host the event stemmed from a conversation with Southern River Community Garden representative Dorothy Burke who suggested the school take part in the annual Cancer Council fundraiser.

“So many people came together to make the day a success, with just over $700 raised by parents, staff and students,” she said.

“A big thank you to everyone who came along to enjoy our Biggest Morning Tea with us.

“It was a privilege to be involved with a special event in support of a really important cause.”