Writers to launch anthology

Writers to launch anthology

Armadale Writers’ Group members Shirley Vidovich, Trevor Herron, Liz Reed, Gemma Sidney and Sonia Bellhouse with the Tales From The Dale anthology launching this Saturday. Photograph — Matt Devlin.
Armadale Writers’ Group members Shirley Vidovich, Trevor Herron, Liz Reed, Gemma Sidney and Sonia Bellhouse with the Tales From The Dale anthology launching this Saturday. Photograph — Matt Devlin.

The Armadale Writers’ Group will launch its 2016 anthology Tales From The Dale as part of the Armadale Arts Festival this Saturday at the Armadale District Hall.

Group spokeswoman Gemma Sidney said some of the pieces touched on Armadale life and a variety of other subjects and the anthology contained original illustrations by artist Desmond Tan inspired by Armadale flora, fauna and architecture.

At the launch there will be live readings of a selection of pieces performed by members of Roleystone Theatre. It will run from 4pm to 6pm on Saturday at the Armadale District Hall, corner of Jull Street and Church Avenue.

The anthology costs $10 and will be available at the launch, then at the Armadale Visitors Centre.

The group meets every Wednesday from 9.30am to 11.30am in the Armadale library meeting room and hosts a guest speaker each quarter.

Email armadalewriters@gmail.com or call 9497 2204.