Security called to first Canning meeting

Security called to first Canning meeting


Tensions were high at the Canning council’s first ordinary meeting on November 17 after chief executive Lyn Russell threatened to eject a former mayoral candidate during public question time.

Former mayoral candidate Warren Hill asked several questions about the city’s 15-minute time frame for public questions.

Mayor Paul Ng and staff answered the questions before asking Mr Hill to sit down to allow other people to ask questions.

Mr Hill continued to ask questions and made statements about the time limit before Ms Russell threatened to call security to eject him.

A city staff member went downstairs to call security but Mr Hill sat down before they arrived.

Under the city’s standing orders and local government regulations a minimum of 15 minutes is to be provided for question time in ordinary and special council meetings but no maximum limit was set.

The standing orders also give the mayor or presiding member the power to deem a question out of order if it was not in the form of a question or was a statement or expression of opinion.