No shortage of laughs in Ghostbusters

No shortage of laughs in Ghostbusters


Reviews about the rebooted Ghostbusters have made a big deal about the all female lead cast and a lot more have made an even bigger deal about the big deal made about the all female lead cast.

This reviewer will do neither because when I go to comedy I only care about how many laughs I have.

And in this, there were plenty.

Melissa McCarthy and Kristen Wiig team up again with Bridesmaids director Paul Feig along with Kate McKinnon, Leslie Jones and Chris Hemsworth for this reboot of the 1980s franchise.

Physicists and former friends Abby Yates (McCarthy) and Erin Gilbert (Wiig) find themselves back in each other’s lives after strange things start happening in New York.

Abby’s partner is engineer and mad scientist Jillian Holtzmann (McKinnon) and the trio start investigating paranormal activity.

They’re eventually joined by Patty Tolan (Jones) whose knowledge of New York comes in handy when a scorned loner with an axe to grind with the world attempts to unleash a ghost apocalypse.

While the premise of the film doesn’t pack the punch the originals did 30 years ago, genuine laughs and some pretty impressive CGI make this a great watch.

The McCarthy and Wiig comedy coupling is a proven winner and it flows again.

The dim-witted secretary Kevin (Hemsworth) also draws some chuckles and has exponentially increased my man crush on him.

Some of the jokes from McKinnon’s and Jones’ characters fall flat and don’t add much depth to the team.

Feig has played homage to the original series with several cameos from former cast members including Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Ernie Hudson and ghost Slimer.

Despite the negativity leading up to the release of this film Ghostbusters has what it takes to capture an entirely new generation of fans.

Release: In cinemas now
Stars: 3.5  
Rated: PG