More trucks through Roleystone

More trucks through Roleystone

Roleystone residents can expect to see more grain trucks on the Brookton Highway this harvest season as they move about 400,000 tonnes of grain to the port. Photograph — Aaron Van Rongen.

About 400,000 tonnes of grain will hit Brookton, Albany and Tonkin highways and Thomas Road during this year’s bumper Wheatbelt grain harvest.

Co-operative Bulk Handling (CBH) operations manager David Capper confirmed they would be transporting half of the expected 800,000 tonne harvest from areas near the now closed tier three rail to Kwinana port by truck.

“CBH Group seeks to use the most efficient and lowest cost supply chain possible in order to return value to our grain growing members,” he said.

“Since the closure of the tier three rail lines by Brookfield Rail three years ago CBH has trucked grain from receival sites in the southern tier three area – Kulin, Kondinin, Corrigin – to Brookton and then transferred this grain onto rail for the remainder of the journey to port.

“Given expectations of a bumper harvest we are expecting around 800,000 tonnes to be produced in the southern tier three area and delivered to CBH receival sites.

“To manage this large harvest we require a mixture of transport options.

“In addition as rail track access costs in WA continue to rise transferring grain from the southern tier three area onto rail at Brookton has become increasingly uncompetitive and this year will see 400,000 tonne from receival sites in the southern tier three area go on road and 400,000 tonne on rail.”

He said safety was their priority.

“As with all our grain transport grain is moved periodically and in a phased approach over a period of time,” he said.

“CBH works closely with road industry bodies including Main Roads WA as well as local shires to communicate our road movements.

“Our safety vision is that everyone returns home safely at the end of each work day.

“We have made significant efforts to make safety a core part of our company culture, which is also extended to our contractors.”