Fire threatens homes in Piara Waters and Forrestdale

Fire threatens homes in Piara Waters and Forrestdale

Firefighters battle the blaze in Weld Street, Forrestdale. Photograph - Hamish Hastie.
A helitac helps out in Forrestdale. Photograph - Hamish Hastie.
A helitac helps out in Forrestdale. Photograph – Hamish Hastie.

Flames have come within metres of houses in two separate fires in Forrestdale and Seville Grove today.

The Forrestdale fire at the Forrestdale Lake has burnt along Weld Street and Commercial Road and was now heading down towards Oxley Road.

The fire was reported about 2.40pm and residents believe it was caused by a lightning strike.

Air support has been helping ground crews extinguish the flames but strong winds helped push it towards Nicholson Road.

A bandicoot escapes the blaze. Photograph - Hamish Hastie.
A bandicoot escapes the blaze. Photograph – Hamish Hastie.

Some residents along Weld Street and Lofties Street were subduing grassfires along the edge of the lake reserve with garden hoses.

At 4.22pm Department of Fire and Emergency Services issued a bushfire emergency warning for people on Nicholson Road between Swamp Road and Oxley Road.

The fire is out of control and unpredictable and residents were asked to leave their properties if the way is clear.

Another fire broke out in Seville Grove. Photograph - Hamish Hastie.
Another fire broke out in Seville Grove. Photograph – Hamish Hastie.

Anyone living on Nicholson Road could leave in a southerly direction towards Rowley Road.

There is also a chance of ember attack ahead of the fire so residents were asked to close all doors and windows and turn off air conditioners.

There are several road blocks in place including along Armadale Road and Nicholson Road.

The Seville Grove fire is burning on bushland near estate housing off Seville Drive.

Hundreds of nearby residents looked on as helitacs helped douse the flames.

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