Go West head west

Go West head west


Drag out the leg warmers, go go shirts and perms and get ready for a night of fun when 80s mania hits town next month.

Bop along to Paul Young, Go West, Nik Kershaw and Cutting Crew who will be there in the flesh to take you back to hits including love of the common people, I won’t let the sun go down on me and wouldn’t it be good.

Go West rhythm guitarist and back-up vocalist Richard Drummie, speaking from London, was looking forward to bringing songs such as we close our eyes and king of wishful thinking to the stage in Perth.

He and lead vocalist Peter Cox, the other half of the duo were consistently in the charts throughout the 1980s and early 90s.

“I wasn’t a teenager in the 80s but I wish I was,” he said.

“How was it, it was crazy, especially the first couple of years after trying to get a deal for so long and thinking you are never going to realise your dream and all of a sudden all the Christmases came at once.

“The singles and album went up the charts and all of a sudden we were in a different country every other day, it was crazy.”

Mr Drummie said the 80s mania would mix it up a bit with some newer hits as well.

“We always like to keep it fresh, we can’t just keep going out there playing king of wishful thinking over and over again without some other surprises,” he said.

“We will throw in a new one or put our own spin on current songs.

“But there won’t be much there where people go I haven’t heard this.

“We may do a Nik song, he may do a Go West song and we’re going to try and mix it up.

“It is the first time touring as 80s mania but we have toured with Paul before and appeared at the Astor theatre which is a fantastic venue by the way.”

He said it was a good bill and the fans would enjoy it.

Touring aside next year Mr Drummie was looking at doing another trek to raise funds for the children’s charity Action medical research.

“We are talking about doing one next year,” he said.

“My manager got involved with it, I liked it because they are concentrating on the more rare illnesses that children get.

“I have got two kids and there are a lot of diseases that fall through the net because they don’t touch enough people.

“We have been to Namibia, Cambodia, Venezuela and Costa Rica and we’re thinking where to go next and I get to choose with my manager.

“If we put it up on the website people have to raise a few grand and they can come along and afterwards we have a ball and that raises a bit more.

“All in all we have raised more than a million pounds which is brilliant.

“I am not being noble, when I was first asked about it I said, I just fancied the trek.”

For more information about Go West or their latest album 3D visit www.gowest.org.uk.

To book tickets to 80s mania call 9370 5888.