Beleaguered MP faces the music

Beleaguered MP faces the music

Member for Darling Range Barry Urban when he was serving with the police.

Member for Darling Range Barry Urban faced Parliament this morning following his resignation from the Labor Party yesterday.

Mr Urban said he was embarrassed by his error and apologised for his actions.

Following a Remembrance Day service in Byford, it was revealed that Mr Urban was wearing a medal he was not entitled to.

It has also been revealed the medal was purchased online.

Mr Urban’s military and police service have also been questioned as well as his attendance at Leeds University, which has no record of him.

In his address Mr Urban said he did not want to cause any offence to any past or present members serving in the forces.

He also said he was proud to have served in the British army in the 1980s but as a consequence of his service suffers from PTSD, which he has claimed has been aggravated in the light of recent events.

“I will now take time to reflect on my actions,” he said.

“I’m doing my best to cope under these difficult circumstances.”

Mr Urban said while he is able to manage his PTSD in times of stress, it made it hard for him to function.

He did not fully address his university qualifications but he apologised unreservedly to Premier Mark McGowan and his colleagues for his actions.

He also thanked the constituents of Darling Range for their support.

However, some residents have taken to Mr Urban’s Facebook page and have demanded Mr Urban resign from his seat.

One woman wrote: “Resign please and give us a by-election so we can decide if you should keep your job or not.”

Another resident wrote: “You are a disgrace, resign immediately.”

The premier has called for Mr Urban to be investigated as he has deemed his explanation not comprehensive enough.