Tough issues to tackle for new MP

Tough issues to tackle for new MP

Member for Southern River Terry Healy outside Parliament House. Photograph – Kelly Pilgrim-Byrne.

Family, friends and members of his electorate joined member for Southern River Terry Healy when he delivered his first speech at Parliament House last month.

On May 16, Mr Healy addressed more than 50 people and covered a number of topics including the state government’s transport plan known as Metronet, the freezing of TAFE fees, the Labor government’s electoral promise to build two new primary schools in Southern River and his belief in marriage equality.

Mr Healy said he believed in a more equal and equitable Australia.

“I am proudly a progressive,” he said.

“I believe the best days of our community are before us and not behind us.”

Mr Healy said he believed every person in WA deserved access to quality education, health and a safe community.

“Mine is a family of migrants,” he said.

“Just because one group of Australians arrived here slightly before another group of Australians gives no one the right to hate or discriminate.

“Certain political parties make the decision to incite fear and hatred of migrants, indigenous people and other groups for political gain.

“I will fight the racism and homophobia of any politician or party, always.”

Mr Healy also said one of the biggest issues facing Gosnells and Southern River was unreported domestic violence.

He said this was driven by poverty and unemployment, homelessness, drug use and cycles of crime, which have imprisoned community members.

He said it would be his goal to tackle these issues.

Mr Healy also spoke about gender equity in his speech.

He said he believed men and women should be treated and represented equally.

“Here in this chamber only 18 women sit in 59 seats,” he said.

“This is more today than ever in this Parliament’s history but this is still not good enough.”

Mr Healy concluded his speech by quoting Marvel character Professor Charles Xavier and he received a loud round of applause.