Tennis courts up to scratch

Tennis courts up to scratch


Tennis players can now experience renewed courts thanks to upgrades to the Park Road facilities.

Byford Tennis Club successfully applied for a $29,500 grant through the Shire’s Major Grants funding scheme to upgrade the tennis courts.

Works on the courts have been carried out over the past four weeks and have included crack repairs, the laying of a fibreglass coating and the application of a new acrylic surface.

Basketball and netball hoops and line markings have also been added to the facility, which will now remain unlocked at all times to allow for easy community use.

Serpentine Jarrahdale Shire President Michelle Rich said the shire is excited to deliver the refurbished facility.

“This will be a place where people of all ages can come to exercise and enjoy some time outside,” Ms Rich said.

“We’re passionate about building an active community and facilities like this allow us to do so.”

Byford Tennis Club secretary Helen McArthur said the club was excited to throw up their first serves on the upgraded courts.

“These brand-new courts will make a huge difference for us as a club,” she said.

“We’re really pleased with them and hopefully they can help us attract a few new members.”

Anyone interested in joining the Byford Tennis Club can call club president Trish Masnyk on 0414 818 154.