Sutherlands Park weeks away from completion

Sutherlands Park weeks away from completion

Deputy Mayor Adam Hort, Councillor Caren Baayens, Cr Peter Abetz, Mayor Terresa Lynes, Cr Kevin McDonald, Cr Serena Williamson with her daughters, Cr Aaron Adams and Cr Emma Zhang.

Gosnells families will soon be able to enjoy a new play space close to home and local sports fields, with a new all-abilities playground at Sutherlands Park only weeks away from completion.

Gosnells Mayor Terresa Lynes and councillors checked on the site’s progress this week.

“All that remains for the playground is installation of shade sails, soft fall and landscaping, plus finishing touches to the car park,” she said.

“This all-abilities playground is particularly exciting because it is the first major project to be built as part of the Sutherlands Park Master Plan.

“We look forward to seeing residents of all ages and abilities playing here in years to come.”

The next Sutherlands Park project will be the construction of the youth entertainment space, next to the playground.

Visit the City’s website at for details about the Sutherlands Park Master Plan.