Students pour it on for seniors

Students pour it on for seniors

Two Positive Ageing High Teas were held earlier this month with student hosts from Roleystone Community College and Armadale Senior High School.

It was a case of youth meets experience when Roleystone Community College and Armadale Senior High School hosted their third High Tea for City of Armadale seniors.

Earlier this month, two Positive Ageing High Teas were held at Armadale Town Hall as a combined effort from the City of Armadale and the Intensive Care Foundation (ICF).

Roleystone Community College Head Boy Dylan Barrett and six students were chosen to attend, alongside Associate Principal Amy Edmunds.

About 50 lucky seniors attended over two mornings with guests’ health and well being a priority, as students wore masks while serving.

Cheerful chatter and wide smiles from guests and hosts were still observed, despite the masks.

The High Tea presented an opportunity to highlight the important work of the ICF who held the tea with the schools and the city.

Sharon Knapp, who is an ambassador for ICF, shared her delight at the ease and competence the students displayed while serving.

“The whole experience is wonderful,” she said.

“For me observing the positive interactions between the generations is the real highlight of the event.”

Roleystone local, Peta Martin enjoyed the hospitality and praised the students.

“The food was delicious and plentiful and the students were delightful,” she said.

“The service the students provided was top notch.

“Our cups were topped up regularly.

“My friends and I look forward to attending next year.”

Guests enjoyed a delicious variety of gourmet sandwiches, quiches and mini cheesecakes.

To show their appreciation for the students, the guests sang a rousing chorus of “For they are jolly good fellows”, much to the embarrassment and delight of the students and Sharon respectively.

Head Boy Dylan Barrett said he enjoyed the experience.

“It was a great experience talking with the elderly guests,” he said.

“I think everyone really enjoyed themselves.”

After the High Tea, participants were given the opportunity to explore artworks from the Minnawarra Art Awards, which were on display at the Armadale District Hall during the Armadale Arts Festival.