Rubbish collectors find stolen belongings

Rubbish collectors find stolen belongings

Roleystone resident Peg Knuckey and Wednesday Warriors founder June Copley with some of the retrieved items.

Recent clean up efforts by a group of volunteers has helped reunite a Roleystone resident with some of her stolen belongings. 

Wednesday Warriors volunteers meet on the second and fourth Wednesday every month at first light to rid the verges and bushland in Roleystone, Karragullen, Martin and Pickering Brook of rubbish. 

Founder June Copley said the group held its first meet for the year on January 8 which saw them collect 40 bags of rubbish in just one hour along Canning Mills Road. 

Wednesday Warriors volunteers take part in clean ups twice a month.

Amongst the rubbish collected were belongings that were stolen from community stalwart Peg Knuckey’s house in a burglary a few months ago. 

“A jewellery box and a pillow slip containing other jewellery items were stolen in the break in,” she said. 

“Mrs Knuckey was identified by the life member badges from the Roleystone Cricket Club and Roleystone Bowling Club.” 

Ms Copley said it is not the first time the group has reunited stolen items to their owners. 

“Peg was surprised and grateful for having some items returned,” she said. 

“Unfortunately most items of value remain at a loss and only costume jewellery had been discarded.” 

The group has been working to clean up the entry roads into Roleystone for the past five years and are now moving on to other areas including Canning Road in Karragullen and parts of the City of Kalamunda. 

Anyone who is interested in helping can register to adopt a spot through the Keep Australia Beautiful website.