Roads to be closed for safety upgrades

Roads to be closed for safety upgrades

From Monday, work will begin on the final road upgrade (Kargotich and Orton) from Labor's 2021 election commitment. Photograph - Mel Dee

Major upgrades to Kargotich and Orton Roads are set to begin next month.

These improvements are the final part of the Shire’s Hypergrowth Roads Program, made possible by $18 million in election commitment funding from the state government, in 2021.

The upcoming works will focus on improving drainage systems, pavement resurfacing, and road widening to enhance safety and traffic flow.

To accommodate the work, road closures will be in place on Kargotich Road, between Thomas and Orton Roads, and on Orton Road, between Kargotich and Hopkinson Roads.

These sections will be closed from 3 February, with completion expected by May.

“We know that many roads in SJ are not up to standard, and with the Tonkin Highway extension set to bring more traffic to the Shire, it’s essential that we make urgent improvements,” Shire President Rob Coales said.

“Although unfortunate, road closures are absolutely necessary to get this work done, and I thank residents, particularly those living in the immediate vicinity for their patience.”

Member for Darling Range Hugh Jones said he was pleased to see his “$18 million election commitment” reach the final stretch.

“This critical program is delivering wider roads, improved footpaths and intersections and a safer journey for residents and visitors in our community,” he said.

The program has already delivered significant upgrades, including enhancements to Soldiers Road and improved roundabouts at the Keirnan Street and Cardup Siding Road intersections.

Additionally, a section of Kargotich Road between Rowley and Thomas Roads has been upgraded.