Mattress removal easier

Mattress removal easier

Detail of garbage and dirt, recycling of old objects

From September, Canning council is changing the way it collects and recycles end-of-life mattresses for residents.

Moving to an on-demand pick-up service, Canning residents will be able to book up to two free mattress collections each financial year, with one mattress per collection.

With about 6150 mattresses collected and recycled in the city each year, the on-demand service means residents won’t have to wait until the bulk waste collection to dispose of their old mattresses.

One of the main environmental benefits is that the value of the recyclables, the fabric, flock or foam, and steel are maintained.

Up to 80 per cent of every mattress is recyclable, the steel springs are sent to scrap metal merchants where they are melted down and used in buildings and infrastructure, vehicles, and appliances and the foam or flock is recycled into materials such as carpet underlay.

Mayor Patrick Hall said mattresses are a huge contributor to the amount of waste collected by the City each year so it was important that they are disposed of the most effective way.

“Moving to the on-demand pickup service will allow residents to dispose of their mattress at a time that is convenient to them,” he said.

“It will also help reduce the amount of illegal dumping which has environmental, amenity and cost implications.”

To book a mattress collection service or for more information go to