Local leaders inspire future leaders

Local leaders inspire future leaders

Members of the Armadale Fire Brigade and Armadale Police alongside year six students at Neerigen Brook Primary School’s inaugural Compass Expo. Photograph – Aaron Van Rongen.

Armadale’s Neerigen Brook Primary School has hosted its inaugural Compass Expo, a pilot initiative designed to help students map out their future before the transition to secondary school.

Forty-two year six students were greeted by anchors in the Armadale community, with police officers, local fire fighters, City of Armadale councillors, support agencies and representatives from the local high schools on hand to provide students a better knowledge of what it takes to work in these roles.

The expo was initially planned in response to the impacts of COVID-19 on the school’s senior students, a way to provide students with some direction ahead of high school.

But Neerigen Brook Primary School deputy principal Kim Calabrese said the day had been so successful that it would now become an annual event, with talk of inviting other schools in the region to join in.

Ms Calabrese said students described it as the ‘best day of school ever’ and said it provided them a clearer idea of what is out there after primary school.

“These guests are anchors in the community of Armadale and a good place to start for our students,” she said.

“Creating opportunities to build a strong community is key to supporting our young people.

“Feeling connected and having a sense of belonging is ever more important in the face of a pandemic.

“Knowing who you can turn to for support is key.

“The expo not only builds community, but provides insight into what is possible. Education is a doorway to success and choice.

“It is really about planting the seed.

“People with choice have options and options lead to opportunities.

“Based on student and community feedback we will host this event again and invite other schools in the area to join us.”