Leave it to Beaver

Leave it to Beaver

Bedfordale resident Louise Morgan and Beaver tree services’ Goran Sapina reunited with Mango.

Tree loppers helped retrieve a pet parrot from a tree last week in an animal rescue that went above and beyond their daily duties.

On August 24 Bedfordale resident Louise Morgan was outside with her Eclectus parrot Mango when, spooked by one of her dogs, he flew into a tree opposite their property.

Ms Morgan said fortunately she saw the parrot, who can talk and laugh, fly off but her attempts to lure him back were barking up the wrong tree.

“He has his wings clipped but they’re starting to grow out and he got spooked by the dog and because our property drops away he got quite high,” she said.

“I watched him go, I saw the tree he landed in so I ran down there and called him but he just laughed at me.

“We tried to sing to him but he wouldn’t listen.”

She rang Beaver Tree Services and tree loppers Chris Hall and Goran Sapina arrived to retrieve the mischievous bird with a cherry picker.

“They were really good, they tried the cherry picker but it spooked him so he moved into the tree more but the guy did an amazing job and climbed up there. The guy had to sing Old MacDonald just to get him,” Ms Morgan said.

“He serenaded Mango and he climbed onto his shoulder and he came down.”

Ms Morgan said she and Mango were happy to be reunited.

“He was pretty pleased to be back in my arms, he was cuddling up. There were quite a few Starlings hanging around, they can be pretty spiteful so he was pretty scared of them.”

Beaver managing director Paul Harrison said the company was happy to help.

“We’ve done it a few times with birds and cats, we’re getting quite good at it actually,” he said.

“They can’t call the fire brigade because they can’t come out.”