Leaders condemn attack

Leaders condemn attack

Member for Gosnells Chris Tallentire at the bombing.

Community leaders and politicians have come out in support of the Muslim community following a suspected firebombing at a mosque in Thornlie.

The damaged car outside the mosque.
The damaged car outside the mosque.

Member for Gosnells Chris Tallentire, who visited the scene within hours of the attack, described it as an act of urban terrorism.

“I know we’ve had the odd graffiti incident before but this is violent, this is an act of urban terrorism and that’s new,” he said.

“It really is just so distressing and so unfair that good people are being attacked in this way because of their faith but it really is an attack on all of us because we all love a peaceful society.”

Liberal candidate for Burt Matt O’Sullivan and Labor candidate Matt Keogh also visited the scene on Wednesday morning in a show of support.

Mr O’Sullivan said the incident was unacceptable and not representative of the Australia or Thornlie he knew and expected.

“I know I stand shoulder to shoulder with the overwhelming majority of people in this community saying this is unacceptable,” he said.

Mr Keogh described the incident as shocking but commended the stoic way in which the Muslim community had handled the attack.

“If this was the other way around, the outrage, the vitriol would be completely different,” he said.

“Just at the base level, someone blew up a car at the front of a school, that is just not on.

“They were saying if it happened half an hour later, everyone would have been leaving, everyone would have been walking past that car, so in that sense they were lucky that it happened when everyone was inside.”

City of Gosnells mayor Olwen Searle said the city was extremely disappointed by what she described as a violent act.

“The city works hard to promote and support a proud and harmonious community,” she said.

“The incident at the college last night is completely at odds with these principles.”