KFC coming to Southern River

KFC coming to Southern River


A block of land originally designated to be a gym in the car park of the Southern River Square shopping centre has been approved to house a new KFC outlet.

The Metro Outer Development Assessment Panel (MODAP) reviewed and approved a Development Application on Tuesday, January 14, for the KFC restaurant to be built in the carpark of the shopping centre, which is located on Southern River Road at the corner of Holmes Street.

Part of the application involved changing land use from a “private recreation” (Gym) to a “fast food outlet.”

The KFC will be located inside the carpark of Southern River Square, situated at the corner of Southern River Road and Holmes Street, on a site originally planned to be a gym.

The outlet is expected to feature a dual-lane drive-through and pick-up window with the ability to accommodate 10 car stacking capacity, 33 seats within the dining area, and a service area for deliveries.

Correspondence of the proposal was sent to the owners of 205 landholdings within the local area late last year.

15 submissions were received in response, with 11 supporting the proposal and four objecting.

The application was found to be compliant with noise, traffic, and infrastructure requirements and was subsequently approved.