Junior footy match turns ugly

Junior footy match turns ugly


An incident at a Junior Football match has left members of the community horrified.

Over the weekend the Kelmscott Juniors Football Club were playing Mundijong Football Team when it is alleged that a Kelmscott member was targeted and racially vilified.

According to reports, the 15-year-old from Kelmscott is alleging players from the Mundijong team threatened him during their game.

A spokesperson from the West Australian Football Commission said they are investigating the incident.

“The WAFC is aware of several incidents that took place at a junior football fixture between Kelmscott and Mundijong on the weekend,” they said.

“All reported incidents remain confidential and will be investigated by the WAFC in due course.

“A community football tribunal will be scheduled if necessary to assess any serious breaches.”

According to the WAFC Community Football Tribunal Guidelines, reportable offences that are Direct Tribunal Offences can include eye gouging, spitting on another person, stomping and serious misconduct.

The Leagues Panel or Match Committee will determine Direct Tribunal Offences.

Low-level offences can include attempt to strike, kick or trip, instigator of a melee, interfering with a player kicking for goal, unreasonable or unnecessary contact with an injured player, engaging in a Melee, pinching, scratching, spitting at another player, staging, tripping, using abusive, insulting or obscene language, wrestling or any other act of low-level misconduct which is not a classifiable offence or direct tribunal offence.

To find out more about WAFC tribunals or guidelines visit the WA football website.