Have your say on Sandra Park

Have your say on Sandra Park

Community feedback is being sought on the proposal to change Sandra Park in Rossmoyne as a permanent on-leash area for dogs.

The City of Canning is seeking public feedback from residents and park users on a proposal to change Sandra Park in Rossmoyne to a permanent dog’s on-leash area.

Since Rossmoyne Park is the only on-leash park with a playground in the local area, community feedback has indicated that families would like a second on-leash playground in Rossmoyne where dogs must be kept on-leash.

In response to this feedback, the Council resolved at the Ordinary Council Meeting in September last year to engage with the community to assess support for changing Sandra Park from off-leash to on-leash.

Sandra park is accessible by both Peter and Sandra way is Rossmoyne.

Currently, Rossmoyne has three dog on-leash parks—Central Park, Lions Park, and Rossmoyne Park—and five off-leash parks: Creekview Park, Massey Park, Ann Park, Fifth Park, and Sandra Park.

To help determine whether Sandra Park will remain an off-leash park or change to an on-leash park, you can share your input by visiting yoursaycanning.com.au or by calling 1300 422 664 to discuss the proposed changes with the Parks and Environment team.