Have your say on Metronet

Have your say on Metronet

Member for Southern River Terry Healy and Member for Jandakot Yaz Mubarakai at Thornlie station. They have encouraged residents to attend a forum discussing Metronet next month.

With the construction of the Thornlie to Cockburn train line set to start in 2019 a Metronet forum will be held at Harrisdale Pavilion on August 2 to discuss the State Government’s transport plans.

Member for Southern River Terry Healy and Member for Jandakot Yaz Mubarakai were encouraging residents to attend.

Mr Healy said residents will be able to find out more about the two new Canning Vale stations and share their own ideas with Minister for Transport Rita Saffioti.

Mr Mubarakai said transport was a major issue in Jandakot and the forum was an exciting opportunity for residents to understand what the Cockburn-Thornlie line would mean for them.

“Many community members have approached me about the two new stations in Canning Vale,” he said.

“They can have their say on local transport needs at the forum.”

To RSVP or for more information call Mr Healy’s office on 9256 4900 or Mr Mubarakai’s office on 9310 8777.