Hamburgers for charity, a huge success

Hamburgers for charity, a huge success

Lilly Brown and Kaitlyn Veevers attended this year's Keysbrook Cuppa Supper to raise money for Cancer Council WA. Photograph - Richard Polden.

A community group strayed away from the norm and had great success with its Cancer Council’s Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea event last weekend. 

Keysbrook Community Group’s Cuppa Supper was held on May 31 which saw more than 100 people turn up in support of the annual charity event. 

Committee member Judy Hambley said the group banked a total of $3000 towards the cause. 

“It was a beautiful balmy evening and guests enjoyed spreading outside the Keysbrook Hall and two of our local fellows had fires for people to gather around giving a great atmosphere,” she said. “Everyone seemed to have a very happy time catching up with old friends and meeting new people. 

“I think thanks to the article in The Examiner we had people come along from much further afield than Keysbrook.” The fundraiser included a raffle with donated prizes, a silent auction and coin-throwing games, along with a delicious make-your-own burger and a big supper table of donated sweets. 

Cancer Council’s Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea is held each year with every dollar raised going towards life-saving research, prevention, support programs and information. 

Photographs – Richard Polden.